Bonus Hut English Meaning online. A temporary structure for sheltering troops. Hut definition: A hut is a small house with only one or two rooms , especially one which is made of wood,.

What does hut mean? hut, n. a small or mean house: (mil.) a small temporary dwelling.—v.t. (mil.) to place in huts, as quarters:—pr.p. hut′ting; pa.p. hut′ted.
List all English words English words starting with hut, English words that contain hut or English This page is created to explain what the meaning of hut is.
What does hut mean? "Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ." (English proverb) "The word of the old, and the gun of the young." 'Corrugated huts house additional families in backyards and the shanty towns overflow with new 'None of the other huts and tree shelters caught fire and no other people were injured in the blaze. A temporary structure for sheltering troops. From Middle English *hutte, hotte, borrowed from Old French hutte, hute ("cottage"), from Old High German hutta ("hut, cottage"), from Proto-Germanic *hudjǭ, *hudjō ("hut"), from Proto-Indo-European *(s)kewt- ("to deck; cover; covering; skin"). hut meaning, definition, what is hut: a small simple building with only one or.: Learn more.